It's been a pretty difficult year but I won't go into it all now. The short version is that I've been fighting the major D, which saps the will to interact with anyone right out of me. Also, one of our dearest friends is in the middle of chemo treatment. This has caused an incredible amount of stress and drama for Mike and I both, which honestly neither of us handles all that well.
I haven't been knitting much either so I don't have much to show for my time off. I finished a vest for myself that I'll post later this week. I have made some good changes too but I will go into those on another day.
I will try to check in with some of my old pals today. I really have missed the support and connections from the blog world. I know lots of you have taken breaks too. I was wondering how you got yourself back into the swing of things after an extended break? Was it just like getting back on the old bike, which ironically I actually never learned to ride in the first place...
Hi Paige! Welcome back!!! You know, I took an extended blog break near the tail end of teaching when I decided to quit doing that for a while to focus on the handmade life. Anyway, I found that it's really not so hard to come back. The community you've built here cares so much about you that really it doesn't matter what you post. We just miss you and care to know how you're doing. The ups and downs of it and all. I'm sorry to hear you've been having a period of bad times. But just know, that no matter what you decide, you do have an audience waiting for you if you so choose to come back! And there's no shame in restructuring your content either- if you want to shift to more about photography or personal stories, or whatever that's fine by me!
Goat hugs.
Sometimes life just plain sucks.
It's good you are back. Even cyber contact is a good thing.
I hope you are starting to feel stronger.
Paige!!! Welcome back, so good to see you. I haven't really taken any extended blog breaks so I can't comment on that. I wasn't very consistent with my blogging for a long time especially when I let life get me down for a while. I challenged myself to post every single day so that I was forced to use my brain and come up with something. Other wise I would just sit and stare at the walls, literally.
I really am glad to see you back again and I look forward to hearing more about what you've been up to.
Yea, Paige!!! Funny how Nancy sent you a note because I was here the other day and thought about sending you an email to check on you as well. I'm glad you are back. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling like yourself.
Don't worry about the blog--the pallies will come back, they always do. I kept checking in on you and I'm sure lots were doing the same thing. I would say not to stress out about posting and just ease back in. Bloggers are very forgiving--heck, we all take breaks every now and then. :)
I'm just glad you are back, my friend. :)
I love that photo, Paige!
Reminds me of lazy summer days as a kid. It's good to see you back!
I must say that I've never had a blogger's block - it's really the only thing I consistently do.
Don't put yourself under pressure so much!
Take care and looking forward to your future posts!
Paige, I was thrilled to get a comment from you! I always, always check on your blog when I am blog hopping.. and I knew you were going through a lot.. but, I, WE, have missed you! I am so glad to see you back! I am sorry to hear about your friend going through Chemo.. and I know all to well about the big D, because I have a few family members who suffer with it.
Welcome Back!
So good to see you back, kiddo! Missed ya dearly :)
Yea, there's nothing rong with a blogging break. Sometimes we need to do that to re-prioritize, focus and just plain rest! Don't think of getting back into like getting back on a bike. Think of it as getting back on an excercise routine: you hate do to it but know you will fell better when you do! glad to hear you are doing better. That D's a b*%$&!!!! Makes you not care about much of anything, you know.
Welcome back!
Welcome back! I've missed you, too! I'll be right here reading again. :)
I have been on and off this year. I thought I would get back to every day blogging, but was averaging 5x monthly, then suddenly...a whole month with nothing. Just posted again today. Nice to see you are been back to it again.
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