Since renewing on Etsy has essentially lost its impact for a number of reasons, it is up to the seller even more so now to drive traffic to our store. Even 6 months ago I could count on renewing an item to bring me at least 10-15 views. Now I'm lucky to get 3 or 4. I have decided that it just doesn't make financial sense to re-new any item that cost less than $20 and waste another 20 cents each time. One reason for this is the massive amounts of new sellers in just about every catagory. It is a lot harder to get views when you are competing against even more sellers for those buyers eyes. The other reason is a recent change in etsy procedure.
Here is a quote from everyone's favorite admin Matt about the change:
"One lever that we recently adjusted was the way that listings, new or renewed, are delivered to the site (see this post). This adjustment involved delivering items in very frequent batches rather than continuously in real time. As an outcomes of this change, there is less of chance that an individual item will appear in certain ways of discovering items on Etsy, including the Recently Listed Items section of the Homepage, the Fresh Items list on the Buy Page, as part of Pounce, or in Time Machine 1 or Time Machine 2."
What this means is renewing an item now only means that you are bringing your item closer to the top of search not necessarily the first page and you will quite possibly not even end up in the time machine or front page. There is an active forum thread that brings up many issues with this change here. Many top sellers have weighed in about how this has impacted their ability to make a living off of etsy sales, which is one of the professed goals of the site. This included thedreamygiraffe, one of my favorite artists of big eyed girls with powerful statements, like the mermaid above.
I understand that etsy is just a venue and that they are not guaranteeing us anything but 4 months of listing time for our 20 cents. So it is now up to us to get creative and come up with different ways of promoting. I know this is going to help drive sellers to Artfire and I am still waiting to see whether this is the way to go for me.
In the meantime I am exploring some advertising options like social networking venues and I also joined Project Wonderful last week. I'll be posting later this week with my results from this initial experience of advertising and my thoughts for future promotional efforts.
Yeah, I'm thinking the only way to get folks to look at my Etsy shop is outside promotion, which I need to do more of.
Just wanted to stop in and say I like your new avatar and your blog has a new layout too doesn't it? Looks great.
I've stopped listing on Etsy altogether. I found it to be a waste of time and money. I still love that site and the whole community concept, but I find it a little disheartening with some of the blatant favoritism and that forum-some real vultures on that thing!
Very true! I'll be checking back to see what you find about PW and artfire. I've been meaning to do PW myself just haven't gotten around to it yet...
I've never used renewing as a marketing strategy, so this didn't hit me as hard as it did some sellers. The thing with etsy is - it is the best-known handmade site around - so it also has the stiffest competition. I think if you can get known there, it could be the best venue there is, but it's increasingly hard to get noticed.
Did you change your theme?
You may want to try other alternatives out there. Instead of spending $ with renewing, you can go set up and list in a free venue (I buy my prizes from Silkfair and know they're free for ex.)and save the money.
Plus, a fresh marketplace is a bigger exposure. Less sellers means bigger chances to be on the front page.
Hi! Just saw your blog post! I have some words of advice if you want them!
Try these marketing ideas:
www.blockheadradiolive.com--offers advertising at very good rates
www.feedburner.com to track your shops highs, lows and what gets attention
Thanks for the great posting! It hits the nail on the head!
I have recently signed up with Artfire and will eventually drop my Etsy shops. Since I have to get the traffic to my shop myself I may as well do it to Artfire where it will only cost me $7 a month with no other fees no matter how much you sell.
Please visit if you get a chance and sign up if you haven't already!
That's interesting I don't usually relist and I've never tried artfire though I'm somewhat skeptical about it. =/
who knows? =D
I will be interested in hearing how you do with Project Wonderful..I have not been super happy with my project wonderful experience..I think that has more to do with not knowing which sites will be most useful for me to advertise on...
I have never really aggressively sought after sales, but I did at least get views in the past. Now, I can list something, and have only 10 views in two weeks! I have temporarily inactivated all my etsy listings as I reevaluate my focus. I have also signed up with Artfire and may focus primarily there in the future.
I haven't done well on Etsy from the beginning. I am seriousely thinking about opening up shop on Artfire though.
This is a total bummer. I've heard several other sellers say the same thing. Altho I've never listed anything on Etsy, I've had an account almost since they went "live". I was afraid this was going to happen - that's why I waited.
I'm sorry to hear you're in the same spot - have you tried Artfire or Handmade?
Good luck!
Great post! It is disheartening to work so hard on something and then not have anyone see it...best of luck to you.
It seems to me that etsy is over saturated. I keep seeing Artfire and it looks good and is free I think
As a fairly new Etsy shop owner and a pretty narrow niche, I'm saddened to hear this. However, I do like to be informed and will be stopping back in to hear the latest on your new options. Thanks for the post!
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