I really wish that I could find a photography mentor to help me explore my options and learn some new skills. A student I was working with a few months ago put the idea into my head. He said that he had been lucky to have a mentor that helped him along his photography path. I was almost hoping that he would offer to help me but in my professional capacity I can''t approach him myself. I am thinking about joining the St. Louis Camera Club and will try to make it to some of their workshops. Perhaps I can meet someone there who could take me under their wing.
I'm also thinking about taking a real class here at the college but unfortunately the only one I could do in the Fall is for Black and White Photography using 35mm. This could be fun too but I don't know how practical it would be in this digital age.
I really enjoy doing portraits as you can see from the above shots of my nieces. I have no formal training but I've read a lot of books and taken a beginning photography workshop which helped me learn about composition. I really need to learn more about lighting and photoshop as well as upgrade my equipment before I could actually charge anyone for portrait work but it is something I'm thinking about in the back of my mind.
We have a screened in porch that is rarely used which I could convert into a studio if I decide to go in that direction as well as plenty of parks that I could use for natural light work in the area. I really don't think I will be quiting my job anytime soon but if I could make some money on the side doing something I love how cool would that be?
Have you talked to our cousin, Paul, about this? He has started tuning it into a business...not sure how much. Anyway, keep eyes open for that mentor. You do have a talent for it!
One problem with being creative is that our brains are always working, ticking, trying to find new things to be excited about and learn. That sort of demands this sort of media change from time to time of us. The only way to satisfy yourself is to indulge in it. So do it! I say, if you're not into knitting right now, you can't force it. It's no big shame or deal to set aside the knitting for a while and focus on photography- you could even work on some stuff for shows. I guarantee you that most people selling photography have no formal training. Just go with your gut and do seek out new ways to learn!
It would be very cool. Go with what thrills you because you'll never know unless you try
I think you should take the class, if you can--my intro class to photography in college (about 4 or 5 years ago) had us use film, too, and using that type of camera really helped me understand the digital camera I have now. Before that I really had no idea half of what my camera could do.
The camera club is a great idea! And being around people who enjoy the same thing you do! Making $$ at something that you love? Perfect! The portraits are wonderful - you do have a talent for that. And branching out is a great thing! I'm making paper beads and journals... I find that I give the beads over to the evening and wait for the weekend to work on my journals. Hope you take a class - even at a vo-tech, they still know what they're doing! {:-D
and Paige, you are soo talented at it! Those portraits are beautiful!
You ARE good in composition and lighting!! Your portraits are GREAT!!
I signed up for a Photoshop Elements class, which was canceled. I was so bummed because I can find PS, but it is expensive and is broken into 2 classes. It would cost me $500 to learn the darn thing!!! This learning stuff is expensive. Yikes!
Hi Paige,
these portraits are amazing! You really know how to capture the beauty of people and your 'models' are so natural at posing :)
That would be so cool! I hate to say it, but you might be seeing a shift in your specialty! Nothing wrong with that. Don't be afraid to pursue the photography thing and if the knitting thing becomes just a hobby once again, it was still a fun ride while you had it.
You have a real eye for photography! I would take the B&W class anyway if you can afford it. I know that you really won't be developing film for the rest of your life, but 1) it's fun! and 2) developing film and training your eye for B&W photography without relying on Photoshop is a skill I think you can really benefit from. The shooting alone can teach you the darks and lights of the hues, thus understanding the spectrum much better and also, you can learn so much from developing the film itself and ways you can change the developing without, again, relying on Photoshop. I think it would make you a sharper shooter - will certainly make you more picky about your natural light situation. I think you should go for it!
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