So I was thinking about ways to shake things up a bit around here and bring some excitement back to the blog. I thought about having another giveaway for a Spring accessory like the lime green scarf here with wood beads. Then I got the idea to open it up to a few other shops that might like to promote their spring items with a giveaway and make it a Spring Celebration. I would of course want to keep it to handmade items or supplies and you would need to be open to shipping internationally if necessary.
I have had three giveaways in my year and a half of blogging. I've been really happy with how they have worked out. My first blog giveaway was called Lose the Winter Blues just a little over a year ago and was my biggest prize to date. I gave away a $50 spring accessory set in hemp and I had 133 entries into the giveaway. I then had a smaller one in the summer called Summer Fun and gave away a scarf and headband set worth $25. I had 60 entries into this one. I did not promote it quite as much and did not have as many ways to enter so that is why there weren't as many entries. My most recent giveaway was a little different. I had a specific goal of getting newsletter subscribers for this contest. I gave away a $40 gift certificate to one of my newsletter subscribers and I was successful in growing my list from 30 to 117 with the contest this Fall.
I would like to get my blog followers over the hump of 400 and spread some of the love around with other crafters. I would promote the heck out of the contest and would also promote the shops of those participating. I can't promise you a sale if you donate an item but if you want to get some blog followers, Etsy hearts, or Facebook fans I think I can help you with that goal. And who knows if that could translate into a sale in the future. If you are interested please e-mail me at and we can work out the details.
8 hours ago
Good luck. Have you tweeted that you are looking for a crafter to sponsor a giveaway?
Good Luck, sounds like you have a great project in the making
man, your blog has exploded! I really love that scarf....i do tend to love asymmetrical things though:) Thinking about participating....when do you need to know by?
Like the scarf! Very springy. :) Wish I could participate, but rather tight right now...I'll keep checking back though!
good luck!
I'm also thinking about participating. When are you thinking of starting the giveaway - just need to make sure my schedule is such that I can devote enough time to promotion, etc.
Thank you for hosting my Entrecard ad today!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I'm planning on starting the giveaway the first week of April and I will be promoting it the whole month of April with features of each of those participating. I'd love for you to participate Nancy & Split Rock. It would be so easy to promote you two since I've actually bought from both of you in the past!
I love the line green scarf. It is so creative and delicate. Good Luck with your project.
Your green scarf is so wonderfully SPRINGY!! I'd be interested in being part of your new contest, if you need any more folks! I'm on a "tear" with my "Pearls and Silk" these days!
Look at you with the almost 400 followers!!! Wow!!! Good luck with the giveaway. :)
sounds will be hearing from me :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day, my blogging buddy ;]
Best of luck!
Cute blog. I clicked on through Twitter. Glad I did.
Hi Paige. I'd like to participate in your giveaway. I'm just finishing up a 16" Seminole patchwork pillow in some spring brights:
I've been on Etsy less than two months, could use some exposure. Let me know what you think.
The scarf is gorgeous!!
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