The Turquoise Trail runs between ALB and Santa Fe and may be most favorite stretch of road in the world as of today. There are beautiful views of the Sandia Crest Mountains and amazing little towns with more character and personality than anyplace I've ever been. I took the top shot from my car of a wandering soul with plenty of water for his trip.
I particularly loved Madrid which is happily stuck in the 60's but not in a phony way. Even Mike was charmed by the locals and their sincerity and beautiful artwork. The beautiful blue sky with the cool cloud formation was over Madrid and it puts me in a happy place to look at it. It's one of 3 sky pictures that I'm blowing up to hang over my couch. The other 2 are sunsets that I've posted in the last 2 entries here.

There are over 40 shops and galleries in Madrid and unlike the Santa Fe/Taos gallery experience I felt right at home. The art here was accessible and affordable. I bought some prints at the Color and Light Arts shop and Mike got a matted photograph of clouds he fell in love with at the Dream Gallery. I also got a beautiful shell inlayed pendant and turquoise necklace at the Gypsy Gem shop.

I got some more jewelry from the Native American craftsmen that set up in front of the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe. I got a large turquoise ring that reminds me of my Nana's ring that she wore almost everyday. Another cousin got the turquoise ring when she passed and I got the mother of pearl ring. I hope this one will be a heirloom for my nieces to fight over someday. I also got an inlay pendant, although I didn't spend $1,100 on it like the one I coveted in Madrid. Overall I'm very happy with my purchases along the trail as you can see here.