The orange flower purse was the first bag I ever purchased on Etsy in 2007. It was made by Blossom Arts who also works in polymer clay and made the button enclosure. I actually thought about taking the button off the purse and using it on something else but I couldn't bring myself to destroy her vision of the purse since it really is the perfect compliment to the design. I'm including a gold wire wrist cuff with orange and yellow beads.
Supastarr made the blue/tan flower purse in the middle of the top shot. I've bought screen printed tee shirts for Mike from her on several occasions. I'm including a silver wire wristcuff with blue seed beads and shell beads.
I cannot for the life of me remember when or where I got the blue batik quilted purse. I think it may have been at a craft show but it has no tags so I have no idea who the maker was. I'm including a silver wire wristcuff with gray seed beads and shell beads.

- For the first entry just let me know what you look for in a handmade bag and/or where you bought your last bag. Please include your e-mail address if there is not a link to it on your profile page.
- For an additional entry you may follow my blog with Google Friend Connect. If you already follow just let me know.
- For a third entry you can add my blog to your blog roll and leave a link.
- And finally you can earn another two entries for blogging about the contest. Please give a link to the blog post and leave two comments here.
As always please leave a comment for each entry.
There will be three winners chosen by random number generator on December 1, 2010. I'm opening it to the United States only this time to keep shipping cost down.
I don't really have time for all the promotional efforts that I normally do for my giveaways so your chances should be really good on this one. I'm looking forward to your responses and hoping that there are some other bag addicts out there that will get some good use out of these handmade creations.
I look for it to be big enough to hold everything! With a 2 year old and baby, I have a lot of stuff!
Or I look for something small to hold my knitting!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
I follow you with GFC!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
Personally I prefer an average size bag otherwise I'll end up carrying everything including the kitchen sink! My last bag (which is getting a bit raggedy) was from an Etsy seller called readingbunky and I love her bags as there is always a little story with them.
Gotta check to confirm but I'm sure I already follow your blog :)
I've never actually had a handmade bag unless you count the one I made out of an old pair of jeans...lol. I like pockets though, it's gotta have pockets.
I'm already a follower
I don't know if you consider it my blog roll or not but you are listed in my sidebar under people who inspire me/crafty people :)
I need my bags to be large enough to hold my 8x10 sketchbook...while at the same time not being too heavy.
My last handmade bag I bought at Maker Faire San Mateo.
absolutelysmall (at) gmail
Oh, and now I'm following you. Hooray for Google friend connect!
Cute and memorable!
Last actual handmade bag I had was made by Debi, but the last one I bought was at Strange Folk last year.
I love your bags,
I usually make my own bags, and the most important for me is:
1 - beautiful
2 - easy to wear
3 - big enough
I got my current purse from my aunt. She got it in Portugal. Its black and oddly shaped, but what a trooper. I could use some color!
I follow you!
AND you are on my blogroll at evermoresoap.blogspot.com
I don't officially follow you or have a blogroll, but I check it every day. Does that count? Mwhahah...
I bought my last bag at Goodwill for $3. I carried it for two weeks then decided that it wasn't for me and sold it at my garage sale for $2.
I can't describe the type of bag I like. I know it when I see it. And I am picky so I don't very often see it. If I could sew I'd design my own- pretty print, lots of pockets, long handles, and a zippered top.
I look for ease of portability but with sturdiness and the ability to hold a lot of stuff. My last bag was bought at the thrift store. :)
I love a deep bag with a wide bottom, & honestly I cant' tell you where I purchased my last bag. the last several I have had were given as gifts to me.
boswife @ gmail . com
my last bag was a gift (not hand made) purchased from Clarks
I usually buy bags to match certain outfits. Got my last one at Target :( because I needed one for a next-day event, so no time to order a handmade one.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love well-made bags. I don't typically switch bags often, so it needs to be ready for the long haul.
I got my last bag as Saks Fifth Avenue...over a year ago :)
I'm a follower!
The last bag i bought was actually from goodwill! I love the blue and orange bag!
marloweopat at gmail dot com
Im a follower via GFC!
marloweopat at gmail dot com
I love well-made bags with a pocket on the side to drop my keys into. I really don't remember where I got my last bag!
The last handmade bag I got came from a local craft fair, I literally loved it to pieces, poor thing.
The most important thing is that it be sturdy enough to survive my 4 & 6 year olds fighting over it to find my good candy, and that it have pockets. I'm organization crazy!
I look for in a handmade bag: pretty print on the outside, sturdy handles, ecofriendly materials. The last handmade bag is one I won from the blog sewhomegrown and I love it. I love that it's unique.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I like a bag that says "I am not afraid to have something different than everybody else" in a good way. I like bags that are not too stiff and rigid, and that are versatile enough to be a purse or project bag.
The main thing I look for in a bag is how it is on my shoulder. I don't like bags that fall off.
I look for triple stitching and size is important....big. Long shoulder strap too.
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