
Public Service Announcement

I don't know how many times my mother has told me "you don't get something for nothing in this life my child" but I am the eternal optimist. I just included this recent pic of my nieces since they have that fresh faced look of innocence here. I've joined every music or book club out there at least once, gotten my free stuff and then ended up paying for stuff I didn't want or need when I forgot to return a card or some other requirement.

Once again I've been roped into one of these programs. The Creative Home Art's Club sounded too good to be true in the literature they sent me, which should have been my first sign. I sent in the card and was then billed for $24. When I didn't pay immediately I got a threatening letter saying that I was to be sent to collections, I guess they are a bit gun shy as people are probably quick to regret their purchase. I got my first magazine which was one of the big perks and it was a total bust. It was less than 100 pages and not a single idea or project worthwhile.

The other big perk was the opportunity to test craft items and send in reviews. Well, I got a box from them last week and I thought perhaps they were going to come through after all. To my great disappointment there was a home decorating book in it with a letter explaining that I had been chosen to receive the book and I could keep it if I sent in $11 and I would be sent other lame books in the series every month. If I didn't want it I should return it to them using the paid invoice attached. Thanks a lot for sending me an errand to the Post Office. In the fine print it says you have 14 days to get it back to them, but it doesn't say if that is the post marked day or what so I had better get it back to them this week. Either way I get to keep the tiny gift bag that is made to look handmade, with a great big 'Made In China' sticker on the packaging.

Lesson learned, probably not. If I'm still getting suckered at my age it's unlikely I will ever learn...


Slavetobeads said...

Very funny and Oh so true.

Anonymous said...

Sad but true...there's always a catch to everything, unfortunately. Everyone's trying to trick you into taking your money:(

Thanks for the kick in the butt about craft fairs. I know I need to do it. I do. I'm just stalling because, well, there are a million reasons to stall. But the goal is to go to a few this summer to scope out what they're like (haven't been to any since I was little) and then maybe even do one this summer as a test. Then I suppose I can hit it hard next year.

elsie said...

ahhhh sweet innocence knows no age and learns no lessons, it's part of your charm to be eternally optimistic!! next time you're tempted by a too good to be true offer, drop me a line - I'd be happy to burst your bubble!!

Unknown said...

that stinks...just say no...always. :)

Anna said...

I am so glad I didn't return that little card I got in the mail! Thanks for the heads' up about that group! I have done the same thing with the book clubs, but learned my lesson there.


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