

So I've been feeling a Depression coming on the past few months slowly. Nothing major just a dip in energy and general ennui. Well, I had an emotional crash this weekend. As a trained counselor I have to know when it's time to throw in the towel and bring in reinforcements. I also don't believe in hiding my problems as if they are something to be ashamed of. If I had diabetes I'd complain to you guys when things were bad so why not this disease that I've been battling for my entire adult life.

I think it's time to find a new counselor. For the past 10 years I've seen the same counselor as needed. I just call her up when I need a tune up but I think it's time for a change. We've gotten to the point in our relationship where I know exactly what she is going to say and she really has used up her resources on me. I need some fresh eyes and ears. I'm also at the point where I think I need to talk to my psychiatrist about my meds and whether or not they are doing all that they should be doing.

This blog has been so good for me and helping me to stay connected to the world. One of the first things I normally do in depression is isolate. My blog has really helped me to stay a part of the world and even when I feel like burying my head in the sand I have found encouragement from your kind words.

I want to thank the two lovely bloggers Cherry Tart Design and Tile Me Beautiful for giving me the Lovely Blog Award above this week.

Here are the rules for the award:

Here are the rules to receiving this award...
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Please forgive me if I don't have energy to contact 15 people today. But please check out the two lovely bloggers who passed it my way, they really are some cute and creative blogs that I'll be adding to my daily rotation.


Michelle said...

Good for you! It's not something to be ashamed of. I battle depression and anxiety too, and have finally found the right balance of meds after years of trying. Best of luck and keep your head up! This too shall pass.

elsie said...

Thank you for sharing your struggle with your "blog family" - I know sometimes I feel like I'm constantly taking my emotional "temperature" - do I need to go back on meds, or is it just PMS..? Good luck with your new therapist journey and the med check, you're dong everything you can to be and feel well and that's just lovely!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

*hugs* My blog has helped me keep from hiding in my depression too. Thanks for being willing to share with us :)

Laurie said...

I hope you feel better soon -- I definitely recommend a re-look at your meds. I suffer from depression, too!

Cherry Tart Design said...

My boyfriend suffers from depression and anxiety attacks so I can relate to how you are feeling. I'm glad that the blogging community helps you through the rough times. Hang in there and just take things one day at a time.

Unknown said...

congrats...I wanted to let you know that i've been around your page everyday, I'm having issues with it loading. :(

It half way loaded today

Sinclair said...

Hang in there, and keep posting. I so enjoy your creativity and new projects!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

One day at a time - sounds like such a cliche ~ but it is so true! Strength, courage and hope ~ every day, Baby! Also want to make sure you have had your TSH levels checked (thyroid)as this happened to my daughter! It caused her to also have panic/anxiety attacks etc for several years until they figured it out! and then, only after she realized she HAD to take synthroid EVERY day, did she start to feel better - ok - a new person!! Good luck!

One Creative Queen said...

Awww sweetie. Would write more but he's disabled most of my keyboard. I love ya & am ALWAYS here for you...ALWAYS. Keep sharing, writing, etc. I'm worried about you. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to feel connected but distanced at the same time in blog land isn't it? Depression runs in my family too, so I feel ya. Hang in there, it seems like you are doing plenty to help yourself though, which is very good:)

Lin said...

Hang in there, Paige. I think a lot of people suffer depression these days--at least you know that you need help and that you go to get it.

Here's hoping that you find a new therapist and things get better soon.


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