I got a nice surprise last week when Diana from Custom Blog Designs told me I was her Visitor of the Week. That meant I got a free graphic from her of my choice. I asked her to make me a blinking ad box. I had just recently had some work done by NewShop that I was happy with but I hadn't thought I would need a blinking ad. I decided after seeing them on my site that they really were more eye-catching than the standard ones, so I was wanting one. She took the ad I had already and added other images to it to make it blink. I am thrilled with how it came out. For some reason it won't let me post the blinking ad on here but you can see it on the margin of her site, under visitor of the week, and I'll be using it in some Project Wonderful ads this week.

I am in awe of graphic designers. I am truly clueless to how it all works. She has some great prices on her blog designs including a basic blog makeover for $45. You really can't beat that. This week is her 1 year shop birthday so it is the perfect time to pay her a visit since she is having a giveaway and other promotions going on all week long.
Solsisters Studio is also having a great giveaway this week. She is giving away a $

Thank you for the blog love. What are you lot waiting for. A free handbag? Oh, wait I am giving away a Free handbag!
Yay for being the visitor of the week!! I will have to go check out the blinking button! I hope it brings you lots of sales!
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