Let me start off by saying that this is my 100th post. I just like to acknowledge the milestones. I never thought I'd get into this blogging thing as much as I have but I'm excited and ready to go for another 100 this year. I think it is appropriate to be making some updates on my shop look now. Anyone that knows me knows that I hate change. I have been at my current job for over 4 years and to me it is still the "new job." My husband and I are definitely creatures of habit which is one of the things that makes us so compatible. But a few times a year I like to spice things up with my look and will get my hair highlighted or something along those lines.

I had a graphic designer make my banner and avatar for me last year and I was very happy with it. But I had gotten a wild hair that I wanted some change recently but couldn't track her down. She had changed her shop name and is now going by
New Shop Design on Etsy. I didn't really want anything dramatic done to my banner since I was still happy with the look but I wanted a few new pictures added including one of my wire bracelets to be more reflective of my cu

rrent work. I also wanted some new avatars as options. I had her add my shop name to the one I was currently using and make me one with a bracelet that I'll use in the warmer months. I had her make a new button that I can use on entrecard and project wonderful that is infinitely more clickable than the one before. I am loving how it came out and it will hopefully make my ad campaigns more successful. And she made me a twitter background that is a reflection of my shop and will tie my twitter page back to my overall look. I know consistency is important in building a presence on-line and I'm hoping this will help me to be more recognizable. I'm debating about what I'm going to do about my 1000 Markets shop and tying it in, but that's a whole other post.
Her prices are very reasonable and for the cost of a trim I feel like a brand new woman. It's great to know how to reach her again so I can have her make updates for me whenever I

get the inspiration. She is so patient with me and my needs. I'm not good at describing what it is I want but I'm really good at telling her what I don't like, so she usually ends up having to make a number of revisions with no complaints I might add. If your looking for a new look you should totally check out her shop, she has a
package that will give your all the tools you need to get started.
Congrats on your 100th post and the updated look!
I love the new look and congratulations on the 100th post!
100 posts - congratulations! I will be coming up to my 100th post soon too ☺
Love the new banner/button!
I am loving the new look!
The changes look really good! Congrats
Wow, congrats and I'm lovin the new look!!!
COngrats on your 100th post. Thanks for advertising on my blog again.
I too am a creature of habit; but some change can be fun and exciting.
Good luck with all your changes.
100th post! Congrats! And, your updated look is fabulous! I always enjoy visting!
: )
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