We've been having construction going on in our offices this week so there has been constant drilling, banging, and dust in the air, which is really great for my allergies. So I decided to talk about the things that have made me smile this week to take my mind off what has made me feel like poking my eyes out.
I am coming close to 100 comments in my contest. I know there is actually more entries than that once it comes time to print them up. I want to talk about all the features in the different blogs who have promoted my contest. Here is a list of the sites that I know of at this point:
1. Feel Chic Boutique, seen above, is the one that gave me the biggest smile. She bought one of the custom headbands I blogged about a few weeks ago here. She posted a few lovely pictures of herself modeling her earwarmer and showing how warm and comfy it looks on

2.Char's Craft Room entered early and completed all 5 steps in the contest, giving her 9 entries. She has a new etsy shop called stitchary with some amazing pillows in the Arts and Craft style like this one, which would look perfect in my living room.
3. The Lucky Ladybug has a great blog for giveaway junkies. She posts just about every kind of contest you can imagine.
4. Valerie posted on not one but 2 of her blogs about the contest. This is a woman who knows her contests! She has Sweeps4Bloggers and Sweeps4California.
5. Sherry has a great blog called iLUVcontest and I actually advertised on her entrecard widget this week to promote the contest.
6. Joy to the blog has a vintage and crafty blog that is really easy on the eyes. She added me to her list of giveaways and I have a feeling she may become a favorite read of mine.
7. Sweepstakes Advantage dropped in to tell me the contest had been added to their very comprehensive list.
8. I submitted the contest to Etsy Giveaways and it was quickly added. This a great resource for looking for handmade items up for grabs.
9. I was also on the list of hot links at An Island Review.
I think that is all of them! I'm very happy for all of the blog love. I currently have 15 signed up for the newsletter and another 7 pending e-mail confirmation by the subscriber. This a great start for my subscriber list.
Another thing that made me smile this week was a new ring. I buy lots of pe

That's super cute!
That ring is so cute.. I hope it serves as a distraction! =)
I hope the dust clears up soon too, so you can wave goodbye to your allergies.. (at least for now, right? maybe?)
Take Care!
That is ring is pretty cool... congrats on the additions to your subscriber list and whoa 100 comments for your contest! =D
I love the ring! I have a nail biting habit, too, that I'm always trying to kick. I've been doing it since I was a kid and I'll be 50 this year, don't know if I'll ever really stop. :-( Hope the dust settles soon.
Check out my blog when you have time for an award. www.pandjcrafts.etsy.com
Well, I think I wore myself out with all the messages I've sent out today. I meant to put my blog address, not my Etsy one. www.pandjcrafts.blogspot.com
I really like that ring.
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