I, like many, am really fed up with the whole Entrecard debacle. If you aren't an entrecard blogger feel free to ignore my venting post. I was in a total wait and see mode with all of the paid ad changes recently. I rejected all of the annoying Blog for Money and sexy model ads and went ahead and approved the fellow crafters and regular blog ads, but it's all left a bad taste in my mouth. I've decided to just accept credit ads for a week and see if that makes me feel better about the system or not. I'm not planning on pulling my widget but I want to see what not accepting paid ads does to my ranking. I know that they need to generate some cash to keep the system going but it seems as thought there are many other ways to do it. Allowing us to use a double widget is one suggestion I've seen, and how about putting big dollar ads up on the pages we all check everyday on the entrecard site.
What I loved about the Entrecard system was the simplicity of it. You generated credits by visiting blogs and having other blogs visit you. You spend those credits on advertising on other blogs. I loved blog surfing my fellow craft and other interesting blogs through widgets. They have completely ruined much of this system with all of their changes. How many people really care about getting cash for their credits? I could care less honestly, that is not what I earned them for. But I like everyone else have started hording my credits and not spending them on advertising since all this started. For me it was because I just didn't understand what was happening and it seemed like we were no longer getting our credits worth with the paid ads taking 50% or more of the clicks we bought.
I have not been getting nearly as many paid ad requests the past few days since I started rejecting all but the blogs I knew. I hope everyone understands when I go back and reject your paid ads for now. I may change my mind, which is completely my prerogative.
The Happy Bluebird Scarf always makes me smile. It's still for sale in my shop if you click on the picture above.
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't like the paid ad thing and I hate clicking on one on someone's blog and ending up at a store or something.. even if it is an Etsy store. I clicked to find another great blog to drop on and read.
I hear ya. I've been taking the my opinion is my business route rather than being vocal about anything on my blog. I accepted some paid ads at first, but since, I've been rejecting all paid ads actually. I really don't get many anymore either. It does mess up the beautify of the original intent of EC. I know they need money, fine, but why do we need cash for credits=lame. No thank you. I just want free advertisement for my effort please.
You're not alone. Many bloggers have left all together.
Langdon is on Tweeter, sharing how they're going to raise it $3 after some people cash out early. Not unexpected when people make things up as they go.
Good luck, and I'll still visit. You were on my surf list now and again. :)
I, too, have rejected all paid ads. I was wait and see in the beginning, just rejecting the same types as you did. Last week for 4 days I had an ad run on both of my blogs that I didn't approve (although my settings were set to not let anything through unless approved by me). I sent in a message to Entrecard about the problem and the only response was to change my setting to what it was already on. Since I no longer feel confident in knowing my wishes are honored by letting me choose what paid ad goes on my blogs, I reject all paid ads now. I even have a button on my sites stating I only accept EC ads.
Sorry for the long rant. I am really ticked about that ad running.
I don't get it either - it pretty much changed everything, the whole reason people loved it was because it was all blogger-run really. It was nice knowing that people were advertising on my site because they had been there and liked it, etc. Now it's different. Anyway, I'm gonna reject too.
I have to agree. I think I am going to block paid ads and deal with the consequences.
I've been testing out what happens when I accept/reject ads too. I didn't like the paid ads "budding in line." So I stopped accepting them. Things are returning back to normal....
I hadn't heard of entrecard before...I have some paid ads on my blog (project wonderful), but stuff like the google ads always left a bad taste in my mouth.
Amen. I don't think for now that refusing to accept paid ads will drop your rank in Entrecard. I only accepted a couple of paid craft ads (those that regularly visit my blog and those that have advertised with their credits previously) and I am still at the number one spot in my category on Entrecard and have been for 10 days now. I think as long as you toss them a bone now and then you should be fine. There is a paid ad that popped up again today that I approved over a week ago and thought they only ran for 24 hours but maybe I'm mistaken. VERY confusing, to say the least. I hope they get it ironed out soon. I enjoy your blog!
I have paid ads showing up in my widget that aren't appearing on my dashboard. I can't get EC support to respond and I don't know what to do. I was trying to at least approve paid ads that fell into my category, but now I'm thinking I need to not accept any paid ads. It's certainly not fair to those who paid with EC credits.
I'm with you - originally I accepted etsy and other artists to support the paid ad system (and the artists!) but now I am rejecting them all. I love EC because I have found some wonderful blogs, but it's getting annoying.
Well, I really hate the changes, adn I have been in complete wait and see mode. I have stopped accepting ANY ads for now until I figure it out. I didn't like the queue of 12 or more ads to approve ALL THE TIME. It seemed never-ending, even on partially auto-accept. Also, I still think it might have been and Ecard site where I picked up the virus that has kept me off the internet for two weeks. It is really too bad, since it was a really great concept.
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