I am a bit of a bag whore. I was recently talking to the woman that I bought this amazing 1940's hand tooled leather bag from at a consignment shop near my work. She asked me if I collected bags and I told her that my husband probably would say I do. It isn't intentional but I just love purses of all kinds. I have several hiding places where I stash my out of circulation bags. Some friends were over to play games with Mike when I was out of town once and one of them was looking for a board game and had an avalanche of purses come down on her.
I took the picture in my craft room with my Nana's handmade knitting bag that I have displayed on the wall. It was actually made by my great grandmother around 100 years ago.

A blog I frequent, Audrey's Country Crafts, recently had a fun bag swap. I sent a bag that I had bought on Etsy that I really loved but I thought would be perfect for my recipient along with a headband and wristcuff to match. I'm pretty sure that Dragon's Den reads my blog so if you see this I promise it will be there soon!

Today I got in the mail the absolutely stunning bag at the top of the page from Hip Chic Designs along with a matching key fob. I had told her my favorite colors are purple and orange and she combined them in the most gorgeous way I've ever seen. The details on this bag are really what impresses me. She even embroidered my initials on it and chose the perfect button to compliment the patterns. If you are in the market for a new spring bag I totally recommend checking out her new Etsy shop. This Colorful Flowers bag would be perfect to brighten things up!
The prints in the picture are by one of my favorite Etsy artists Allison Strine, who I blogged about here. Her pictures smile down on me every day and give me encouragement.
Thankyou for the kind words, and posting my bag. I appreciate it so much, have a great day!!
I'm definitely a hoarder of bags too. There have not yet been any purse avalanches at my house, but I would LOVE to get to that point! I love your 1940's tooled leather bag, it's so intricate.
I love those old fashioned knitting bags. Used to have one - back in high school? - that I "wore" to death!
Awesome bags, you have a great Blog , I will be following you from now on :)
That bag is so cute! Thanks! I already know I'll love it. :D
OMG, that tooled leather bag is to die for! I don't get into bags and purses that much - I find one I like and use it until it falls apart and then I dread the search for a new one. Now, fiber, on the other hand, is a different matter entirely. Fleeces, yarns, rovings, etc. - okay, my name is Brenda and I'm a fiberholic. ;o)
Those handbags are so neat!
You just reminded me of how badly I need a new bag. I do love them, I just really don't buy much for myself. Perhaps I'll do some etsy scouting....
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