I promise this is the last time I will complain about the construction going on in my office suite. In fact I won't mention it here again until it is completed, whenever that might be. So I had a lovely weekend. I already documented Saturday and Sunday was nice as well. I gorged myself on ham and the most amazing brisket my brother in law made, ate too much candy, and relaxed with the in laws. My chest cold of 3 weeks was practically gone, or so I thought. I go to work today, a cold and drizzly day with layer upon layer of dust, soot, and drywall everywhere. Everyone was like "oh you're feeling better finally" and then 2 hours into the day

I brought my camera on Friday to document the chaos. As my colleague said, at least we'll have proof if we all get emphysema. The shot above is the view from straight ahead of my office as I was standing in my doorway. The other view is the pile of stuff that has been sitting in the middle of my side of the suite for the past 3 weeks. Every day they bring more supplies in but they never actually finish anything so the pile keeps getting bigger. It's been almost 2 months now and they are supposed to be done by May 1 or they lose some $$ so hopefully things will start to pick up. I really am getting sick of hearing myself complain about it but I can't seem to stop. I will stop venting now and I promise to return to your regularly scheduled crafty blog tomorrow.
that's pretty bad, if students are supposed to register in the area of the construction! Who hired these guys, anyway? They deserve to lose money! Hope you're feeling better soon...
Wow, you really don't have any barrier between you and all that dust. That can't be healthy. I'm sorry you're so sick because of it, but I don't blame you! Here's to comissery:)
2 words I dread....Drywall Dust. It infiltrates every crevice of this earth, including all those on my body. I hate that white dusty intruder!!! And no, "hate" is not too strong a word. I think you will agree.
I don't blame you for complaining at all. Sorry for the mess. Hope things get cleared up SOON!
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