So I actually had a good day today. It's been awhile so I thought it was worth

So after getting up at 11:00 and eating a leisurely breakfast, I watched an hour or so of TV and knitted and then went out and got the eggs and dying essentials. I spent $30 on 3 dozen eggs, 2 kits, tissue paper, and vinegar. If you're going to do something you might as well do it right. I picked up Anh and we spent a couple of hours in an egg dying frenzy. Ani decided that we had created the best eggs in North America. She didn't want to go out on a limb and say the whole world but she gave us this continent. I agree that we had created some damn fine eggs. We used the marbling technique I discovered which is done by adding a tablespoon of olive oil with the vinegar. It creates a cool effect by leaving splotches in the dye. We tried the tissue paper technique but it was less impressive by our standards. Anh was not going clubbing after dying eggs as her

After this Mike and I went out to the Indian restaurant in U-City that we rarely get to and had lamb which was cooked perfectly. From there we went to a coffee shop and watched Ryan Spearman play folk music. He went to high school with Mike and they recently reconnected through facebook. They are now sharing a booking agent since Mike also connected with a guy on FB that has offered to work with the bloolights to set up some gigs. We met his wife who was a very sweet free spirit who sews and is obviously a big handmade supporter as well. I gave her my card and hope to see her again at some open mics that Mike will be going to play at.
When I got home I discovered that I had gotten Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design and a few other books I had bought on-line recently. I'll review it as soon as I get a chance to read it.
Mike and I then watched The Office on DVR, ate some white cheddar cheese popcorn, and drank a white Russian. That my friends, was a very good day. I have been in somewhat of a funk so I'm glad to shake it, if only for 24 hours.
Very beautiful eggs! Glad to hear you had a good day:) It does sound like the makings of a nice relaxed day with a little bit of everything you love:) Happy Easter.
I must say you had a perfect day! Those are great colorful eggs. I planned to dye some eggs too but changed my mind later. I'll wait till my little tot is old enough ;-).
Oh, I'm glad you were out of the "funk" if only for a day. I'll bet it stays good for you!
sounds like a nice day, and everyone had fun. Facebook worked for you, eh? That's great.
Actually...I got the idea for the photography post in the first place from you! When you were talking about that site that you found on Digital cameras for dummies my brain said, "I don't need to learn anything, I did it myself!" That would be my stubbornness for you. Haha. So feel free to write a ditto post. At least we know yours is coming from general knowledge and not just your stubborn brain! (and maybe I'll actually make myself learn a thing or two, wink)
Sounds like a great day to me, too! I'm only upset that you didn't bother to swing by and pick up my three childebeasts for the egg dyeing festivities...then again, you may have borrowed Anh's stylin' clothes so YOU could go clubbing. lol
The eggs turned out beautifully! We didn't do eggs because no one wanted to...til Easter morning. (A little late, 'beasts!) What happens when the kids get too old to play with Mom?? xx
Paige, Ani is an absolute doll and those eggs indeed look great! Glad you had a good day. :o)
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