My sister is feeling pretty overwhelmed with trying to find a house in a city she has never lived and has only visited for a few days. She asked if I could take the older girls off her hands yesterday and I was happy to oblige. First I gave Savannah her birthday present of 2 handmade dolls by Cuban creator Muapurses with a knitted sleeping bag to match their wild colors. She was a bit confused by them at first but eventually warmed up to them. We got her down for a nap and I left with Jess and Kate to watch UP. Mike had really wanted to come but he was suffering from a migraine in the morning so I had to leave without him.
We thoroughly enjoyed the adventurous movie and we stuffed ourselves with candy, soda, and popcorn like only an aunt can do. On the way out of the theatre I took a wrong turn and we ended up at the mall. Instead of turning around in the parking lot we decided to head in. We found our way to their favorite store and bought some Aunt Paige approved outfits that they picked out with the intent that their Mom would hate them. We got some cool earrings at Claire, including finding some clip ons for Jess who has been too nervous to get her ears pierced.
I got a call from Mike when we were headed back home and he was feeling better and was disappointed that he hadn't gotten to see the movie. So I told him to meet us at the house and we could all go see the movie again. We took the girls out for Indian where I actually had to ask the waiter for ketchup for their chicken. I was a bit mortified by that but the girls loved the chicken and bread, after swearing they would never try Indian food earlier in the day.
Jess kept saying it was weird to be going to the same movie twice in one day but they were totally enjoying the adventure. I agreed with her that there weren't as many surprises the second time but the movie was just as good. We got them home before 10:00 p.m. and Angie seemed much more relaxed and less manic. She and her husband had time to look at a lot of houses on-line and talk about their priorities in the new house. I'm glad to report that they are very happy with the public schools and are likely going to skip the private schools.
I enjoyed the day and know that the girls did too. I really hope that we will be able to have more adventures together even after they head to Dallas.
Beautiful little girl!
That is so awesome! I'm glad you guys had a great time - and I hope you guys get to do that lots more before they head off. One thing, though...
I WANT AN AUNT PAIGE!!! :) I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with the girls. Enjoy every minute. xx
Awh, cute photo:) Nothing like relatives spoiling relatives! Glad you all had fun. And glad they decided to go with public schools after all!
Sometimes my sister also asks for help to take care her children when she has to go out town, well we often have good times, but sometimes the girls also make me overwhelm :)
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