So I was writing up my posts for when I will be on vacation with my thoughts for each leg of our 2 week adventure when I had an idea. I thought it would be fun to see if anyone can guess the itinerary of our trip with some clues from Etsy. If anyone can guess all four stops on our 2 week trip than I'll send them a wristcuff made from sari silk very similar to the one seen above. The first person to get all four in order before Wednesday wins so that I can get it in the mail on Thursday before we leave. If you know me in real life and I've talked to you about our plans than obviously you aren't eligible. If no one feels like playing I won't get my feelings hurt. Here are your clues! Bonus points if you can guess what I'm most looking forward too.
And by the way there is still one more day to enter my giveaway. I'll pick the winner on Wednesday.

We'll be heading first to Rolla, MO for the 4th of July celebration with the family. Then we'll be going to Florence, AL to spend a few days with my sister. From there we'll be heading to New Orleans which is actually what I'm most looking forward too. Then we'll be taking a cruise which will stop at several areas in Mexico. Thanks for playing along!
hmm...not sure about my answer but I'll give it a go: Missouri, Alabama, New Orleans, Mexico?
Fun game!
I would say Rolla, MO - Florence, AL - New Orleans, LA - and Cancun, Mexico...and I think that you are looking forward to Rolla
1. because it is your first stop
2. because that is where you are originally from
What a great idea!
Geez...I miss one day online and feel like I miss so much! Have a great time on your trip! Sounds like so much fun! I would be so excited to go to NO too:)
Of course you can use some of my photos and lines of poetry for a feature, I'm flattered:)
Hey, Paige!! Forgot to mention that colors can't be used in the name. Have any more ideas please, please, please???
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