Since this is my anniversary week I thought I would share some of the reasons I love my nerdy and sweet husband. Let me start off by saying that before Mike I had rarely dated nerds. I had my bad boy phase and my cop phase and had a very distinct look that Mike most definitely did not fit. But when I was set up with him I had just turned 30 and had a much more open mind about men and what I wanted/needed in a mate. I wanted someone who "got" me and whose quirks were compatible with my own. I needed companionship and someone with an understanding spirit to put up with my varying moods. The picture above is from the first year of our relationship at my first Archon, a gaming convention that Mike and his twin brother have been attending every year since they turned 12.
One story that I think sums up a lot of the reasons I love Mike is from when we were planning our wedding. As I described here we had quite the wedding event that took a lot of time and money to organize and caused a lot of stress on my part. I grew up in a house with a lot of turmoil and fights which was not the best environment for someone with the anxiety I have. My parents are very passionate people and there was always a lot of high emotions in our house. Mike is a very low key and relaxed kind of guy which is exactly what I needed.
I was venting to my mother about Mike complaining to me about the money we were spending on the wedding. I had not learned the boundaries yet that all marriages have to come to between what you share with the in-laws and what you keep between the two of you. I told her how he was annoyed with how much I had spent on my Dad's father's day present. As the words were leaving my mouth it struck me that it was a bad idea since my parents were footing a large portion of the bills for the reception. I later told Mike that I had told my mother in a spiteful moment. There was a moment of silence when I really thought I had struck a nerve and he was going to finally let me have it. Then he said, "Well, I'm going to tell my Mom that you called her a whore."
If you knew my mother in law you would know how hilarious that comment is. She is a widow who doesn't have a whorish bone in her body. It totally broke the tension between us and brought my guard crashing down. This is one of the things I absolutely love about Mike. He knows how to put me in my place but never in a mean or spiteful way.
I'll share some more stories of our true love as the week goes in if you don't mind indulging me.
He sounds like a very sweet man! Lucky you!!
I love him, too; he sounds like a keeper :) Congrats!
I, too, grew up in a volatile situation, and Joe is more quiet and subdued. It took me a long time to realize that we do not have to have drama in order to be "normal". I count that as his greatest gift to me ever. How lucky you are to have Mike! And he's funny too!! :)
Aaaawww.....great story. I can't wait for more.
Happy Anniversary! Ours is tomorrow...21 yrs. Fun blog and fun shop too.
Awh, no, it's great to hear lovey dovey stories sometimes. If you're anything like me (and I think you're a lot like me) you aren't a gush about love, so it's ok to do it sometimes because, well, you have to get it out sometimes.
I hear ya on the phases vs. settling thing. Most of my friends (including me) are at the point now where they're married, engaged, or will be soon with their current mate. It's funny to know their dating history, and see how all of us went through every crappy man on the face of the planet, and then we all settled down with nerds. The nerd truly does win in the end. It's also nice to go out to dinner with everyone and have the boys that don't really know each other settle in nicely into some conversation about computers, or building computers, or programming computers...you get the point:)
Thanks for your kind comments about the poem. It wasn't as hard as you might think to just do it. There is still a bit of anonymity to blogging. It's just a great feeling to know that others care about what I'm writing.
I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of the stories!
"Well, I'm going to tell my Mom that you called her a whore."
BEST LINE EVER! You've obviously got an awesome guy!
I'll have to tell Bryan about yr husband's snappy comeback. I remembered more that we have in common, I too, came from a "high emotion" house, while Bry came from a "low emotion" house and he has mellowed me considerably, showing me the sweetness of consideration for others over my in-the-moment desires. Also, I have a twin sister.
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