Of the other on-line options out there I really like the direction that Artfire is going but I am unsure of the $12 a month fee. I love the customization that they've made available to the shops and how much they are listening to their sellers, something so different from the Etsy experience right now. But I am very aware that there are about 6 months of the year that I will make very few sales even with all the promotion in the world. The other 6 months would have to be much more lucrative than Etsy was last winter to make it worth it. I haven't taken the time to investigate to see if I could go back and forth between the free shop and the upgraded shop but that is something to explore.
I went through my inventory a few weeks ago to see where I stand. No, I haven't been keeping up on my records as I intended to this year. But I got everything separated out so that I could see what I needed to be working on over the summer months. As I suspected I have plenty of scarflettes and actually had to buy a bigger bin to store them in. I do so love making scarflettes and hopefully they will still be popular at this years shows. I also have more than enough of the higher end scarves.
I think there will be less people willing to make a bigger investment this year than last so I really need to focus on the lower end line. This is my least favorite knitting but for the next 4 months it needs to be my priority. I have plenty of yarn in my supply and I just need to keep finding ways to keep it interesting. I've been using my big needles with several yarns held together which creates some fun scarves that knit up super fast. I've also been using some easy lace stitches that keep me interested with the lower end yarns. I need to get my headbands and wristcuff supply up as well. These are quick knits and I will spend a weekend just doing them which makes them go fast. I'm not real sure about my pouches but I think I will try some different ideas out for little bags. I don't know how well they will sell at the shows but I think it is always good to have variety.
Good luck with the selling and deciding what you're going to do with the Etsy shop. I know what you mean about taking that step to pay a monthly fee especially when income can fluctuate so much. I've thought of making jewelry and selling it through Etsy, but it seems like a big commitment.
Have fun getting prepared for the upcoming shows!
Have you tried http://www.1000markets.com/
It is a great place and free to have a store there.You only pay a fee when you sell.
I had a store at artfire and no sales for too many there either. I closed my shop there. I like the free ones.
I'm currently seriously debating doing artfire too, but, have the same concerns as you about the $12 a month thing. I'm thinking of just opening a paper products shop there and see how it goes. I think you're right about the lower $ items. Definitely a good focus for the fall. I've read that people are tired of denying themselves treasures, but spring for the lower priced treats.
Thank you so much for all of the encouraging compliments you left on my blog. You are the best thing for my ego:) I guess if I've got one fan, that's enough reason to keep on keepin on, right?
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have you ever done the stitch where you wind your yarn more times around the needle before pulling it through the stitch?, it makes for an interesting variation, one of my favorites.
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