So this Friday is Mike and my 5 year anniversary. We are going to the Melting Pot for a romantic dinner that night complete with my mother-in-law. Could Mike be any more of a mama's boy I ask? It is our ritual to have Friday night dinner every week with his Mom and our anniversary is no exception. She is a total sweetheart so it's actually perfectly fine by me and watching her try to figure out the fondue will be entertainment I'm sure.

I have a tradition of getting him a fun handmade anniversary present. Some of them were bigger hits than others. His favorite has been the custom Mean bags by Maybe You Should Die with our "pet" names for each other. He was creeped out by the naked clay figures of us that I got the next year. Tip: if you do get naked clay figures of yourself made, don't leave them out when your niece comes over, (not fun explaining that one).
He liked the tits and ass soap I got him last year although I don't think he's used it much. He got a kick out of when I told Uncle Jack about it and he was able to whip out the CD from the musical and play the tune "Tits and Ass" in the car. Only Uncle Jack would have that CD in his car for that perfect moment.

This year I got him the cross stitched picture from Needles & Pins of this quote from the Anchorman movie. He is always saying that line at work and I thought it would be appropriate to hang in his classroom. I also got him the card at the top by the very clever NotMoir. The inside says "Oh wait, I think that's just gas." After 5 years we have to be able to keep each other amused.
I can feel the love.
Happy Anniversary, you Douchetards!
Oh how funny! I love what the inside of the "butterflies" card says. I never would have guessed it, though! Heehee! Y'all have fun!
Is this a test to see if he reads your blog? :)
Fun gifts and plans this year!
Happy anniversary. Exley PROPOSED to me at dinner with his mother.
Have fun.
I love "dicktard." Must use that more often.
Those are such great gift ideas! Much better than the same old tie or cuff links or watch or whatever else you are supposed to get boys! I love it.
Mean bags! How funny! Sounds like yr gift this year will be a big hit. I love the Melting Pot, was supposed to go this year for my bday, but didn't think it was such a friendly restaurant to have two babies at that aren't used to that sort of thing.
Aren't sweet mother-in-laws the best?! I totally heart mine, sounds like yrs is a doll.
Congrats on five fun-sounding years! It's your wood anniversary by the way.
Awwww, I wish my boy was so easy to shop for, maybe I'll gift him handmade goods that I secretly want...
Hey, Happy Anniversary!!! I can't believe that maybe you couldn't go out without your mother-in-law for this one--even if she is swell. I'd suggest a separate dinner, but I get the economy sucks. :(
Funny gifts you get each other!! That cracked me up.
Too funny, Paige!! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Those are too funny :P
Happy Anniversary and Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
What a great tradition! You guys sound like you have a lot of fun! My anniversary is Sunday...18 years!
BTW, our *honeymoon* was going to St. Louis to stay with my husband's parents. Top that.
The gifts are a neat idea. Good thing you like your mother-in-law! Have a good time!
LOL ~ love all those little bags!! Keeping the humor in marriage helps alot!! You go girl!
That's a great new addition to his collection! You are brave to include your mother in law in your anniversary plans:)
As for the yart sale...sold nothing, which I figured would happen. Planning on opening an art fire store soon, and def. going to go for some craft fairs soon. So it's all good:)
Have a wonderful anniversary...and many more!
Very thoughtful. Sounds like a great marriage to me :)
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