When I first met him he was a closet guitar player and was apprehensive to play in public. When Chris moved back into town two years ago they started playing together regularly and with Chris as his partner he started playing at a coffee shop and then a wine bar as a regular duo. Mike started writing songs and he and Chris were able to convince his brother who is a very good drummer to join the team. I'm so proud of what they've accomplished and how far they've come together. They have a local booking agent now that will hopefully be able to get them into some new venues. And Mike has put together a CD with some of the originals. He spent last Friday at his Mom's house cutting out the inserts and getting them all together to sell at the Big Top Tent Sale. Betty called it his little craft project which I thought was hilarious. They sold a few to strangers and more to friends and family.
The great thing about Mike's music passion is that he totally understands my passion for knitting. He has never given me trouble for buying yarn or the time I devote to my hobby. The fact that we both have outside passions and interests keeps our relationship fresh and interesting. Financially our hobbies now pay for themselves with our different ventures which is also a good thing.
He is also a very good writer and has dabbled in writing science fiction. He has a book that he has started about 3 times and every summer he devotes time to it. I tease him that he will never finish it but even if he never does I still respect him for trying. He has ADD and can rarely spend more than 15 minutes at a time focused on anything other than his computer games. The fact that he is able to write and be as accomplished as a musician really is quite remarkable.
I think Mike needs his own poodle for Father's day. He has all summer to house break it. Get a white one and name it Milky.
I think we have a lot in common. I also have my own personal nerd, tho he's a different variety. His passion is drawing and writing comic books. It's wonderful to have two creative types in a relationship, non-creatives just don't get it. Whenever I make a mess and slack on house work because of an art project, my husband isn't miffed at me, he's inspired to do more of his own art.
My dad is the musical one and is in a quasi band, not aspiring to do more than play and enjoy. Yay creative outlets!
Congratulations on yrs paying for themselves too, what an accomplishment! Bry and I will be working at that goal for awhile still.
What a nice posting about your favorite guy!
Wow, I didn't realize they had a booking agent, good for them! Sounds like he's gonna get really successful with the exposure from more gigs and the website. And an author too? Wonderful. If it never goes anywhere, fine, but isn't it nice to see that even nerds need creative outlets too?
That's wonderful! I'm trying to learn guitar - I admire musicians!
I think its wonderful how much you two can appreciate each other. My guy is a great photographer and I found out he has always wanted to do something seriously with it just way to reserved. Since I am the "I'll talk to anyone kind of gal" I have decided to make it my mission to start having his work shown. I have to say although my guy doesn't fully understand what I get out of my soaps and other crafts he will stand with me in 90 degree weather at a craft show and sell. He also is my personal nerd.
Guys like these don't come around often and I am so glad I found mine to.
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