Yesterday morning I got an urgent call from one of my nieces. She asked, "Can you please come over, and bring your yarn too." They had been to girl scout's camp the day before and learned how to do finger knitting. They had used up all the yarn they had been given and were in desperate need of reinforcements. Luckily they have an aunt that has more yarn than she could possibly use in this lifetime. I came over with a mini stash to get them star

While I was there a plan was hatched to build up an inventory of belts and headbands and sell their goods to their friends and classmates. It was so cute to see them develop their business plan. Jess, the older one, was much more focused on getting things done and making a profit. Kate was more into the process of making and enjoying them. She made a headband that she really liked and was wearing it around when Jess told her to take it off or they wouldn't be able to sell it. I told her that they needed to have ones they kept and wore for advertising. Kate liked that idea but Jess was dubious. I thought this was funny since I so often have to force myself to keep things that I like for this same reason. It is important to wear our work but my first impulse is to think about how much I could make from it.
I will be bringing some more yarn over next week and hopefully they will stay into it. Needless to say I was a very proud aunt and would love to have one of my girls develop into a real knitter soon.
UPDATE: I had a few people asking what in the world finger knitting is. It is actually more like weaving, but you wrap the yarn in and around your fingers and create stitches that way. It creates a very loose fabric in a tube. Knitty had an article with directions and pictures if you want to check it out. It is actually easier to do with little hands and is very repetitive. I'll post some pictures next week of what they get finished this week.
Finger knitting??? Really??? Have never heard of it!!! Cool - would love to have seen pic of niece's finished product!
Finger knitting? That's a new one. They are so cute though:) I am happy for you too. I used to sponsor a knitting club at my old job (elementary school) and it was very cute to see how all of my girls got so into their work. I think those two will be good for each other then- the older one can maintain the business, and the younger one can keep the fun in it! Keep us updated on their "business".
I have absolutely never heard of finger knitting...although I see from the previous comments that I am not alone, LOL..But how very cool! And you are such a great Aunt for rushing right over!! I wish them much success on their new venture!!
They look so into it!
That's so sweet how they called you! Doesn't that make you feel good?
What awesome little entrepreneurs! To cute, I bet you had fun. :)
They look very intent in what they're doing! :)
I have never heard of this.. they look so seriously cute... :) do post more pictures...
hey, they're pretty good at that! Nice results!
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