I am thrilled with how well the contest has taken off. There is still time if you haven't gotten entered yet. I'll be choosing the winner this Sunday. I wanted to give you a close up of the headband and

I have 22 signed up for the newsletter and 6 pending confirmation. I plan on sending out a newsletter 4 times a year. I will give some specials, probably free shipping and who knows what else. I will also use it to let locals know where I'll be available in person including any craft shows or what not. I plan on trying to get people to sign up at my shows this Fall for the newsletter. There are always people at the show that stand around and talk to you for awhile, whether they buy something or not. I always give them my card but I think enticing them to sign up for the newsletter will be a great way to bring them into the fold so to speak. It's not just our scarves or jewelry or artwork that we are selling but it can and should be a way of life and/or personality.

I'm also intrigued with all the tools that Bravenet has to offer. They have free ad sponsored web hosting and domain names which I guess means that your blog would be home to their sponsors. This is not something I'm looking to pursue right now but it is something to think about. If anyone has any strong opinions on why I should have my own domain I'd love to hear them. Right now I don't think I see the need. If you are so inclined you can get signed up for a 5 year plan for $4.99 a month and get up to 10 domains and 600 GB Bandwidth with no sponsors. I haven't done any comparing but that sounds like a good deal to me. They have some other free tools I'll probably be adding as I go along like Visitor Guestbook, Site search, a public online calender for upcoming events, e-cards, and live chat rooms.
You may also have noticed the Paypal Gift Certificate tool in the top corner. I thought I would go ahead and add that option. I have seen others adding direct check out to their blogs which is something I will be considering also. It might make it easier for those who don't want to have to sign up with Etsy to check out. I have made a few sales to people who found me on my blog by just sending them a Paypal invoice but if the option was there to just check out it would eliminate some steps. Has anyone gotten any direct sales from a checkout box on their blog yet?
I really don't want to get my blog too cluttered, but there are so many options available. I have to weigh the benefits of each new addition with the clutter factor. Eventually I may be looking for a 3 column blog template that would allow me to spread out more. I have been using this standard template from blogger since I started and I like it's clean look still but I may have outgrown it's functionality I'm afraid.
Hi, and thank you for leave the comment regarding social marketing. It seems like there are so many areas to choose from it becomes a challenge. I have never tried facebook, perhaps I should look into that.
I have my own domain at naturewithme.com, but it uses wordpress because I am hosted with Yahoo. I have always really liked the hosting thru Yahoo, and it allows my my domain email, but they have gone up to $34.99/yr for the name and 13/95/monthfor hosting. I am not a business, I prefer Blogger for my blog, and I don't make money with my site, so it would be nice to transfer it somewhere cheaper. I will take a look at Bravenet...
I meant to tell you, I LOVE the headband! The pattern really did turn out great:) I'm glad you've had so many entries to your give away.
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