I've been thinking a lot lately about where the blog is going. I'll be talking about this more this week but one of the first things I had decided was that I had earned the right to my own custom blog design. When I started I wasn't sure that I would stick with it so I just went with one of the free templates available on blogger. I have definitely outgrown it and want something that reflects me and the shop better. I came across a great contest today when entrecard dropping for a free deluxe blog design by Subjective Beauty Designs. She has made a number of the blog designs I see on a regular basis and I would be thrilled as punch to have her work with me. You can find all about the contest on Punky Monkey's blog, who recently got a full facelift from Subjective Beauty and is hosting the contest. Here is what you get:
I look forward to seeing your new layout!
I sure hope you win the drawing for the blog design!
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